Healthy Nurul Beauty

Natural Healthy Beauty

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Why grooming is essential?

First and foremost, I have to apologize for the inconvenience in shifting my blog to As I am unable to allow advertisement in the previous blog template.

For this entry, I would like to focus on grooming. What is grooming? Well, I would like to take the first definition, bullet number 3 = give a neat and tidy appearance to (someone).

People have various ways to leave their first impression. It is normal for people to favour someone who is well groom. Since, it shows their effort.

Certain people, they would not mind to spend much for grooming such as going for pedicure, facial and etc.
Since I am a person who always on a tight budget (as I have commitment on bigger things), I tend to personally groom myself.
The definition of personal groom would focus on your outer appearance and attire.
Meaning, all the shown part of your body like face, hair, body, nails and dressing.

As for face, you should make sure to have healthy glowing skin. Therefore, not only you need to take care of your food intake. You also need to make sure to have enough sleep. In order to ensure my skin smooth, I use VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) on my face, hands and feet each time after bath in the morning and night before sleep. I normally put some light make up to have a fresh looking face in the morning. That what I normally do every morning of late stay back the night before. In order to perk up my moods and be alert on the next day ^_^ For good psychology mindset for me. I do ensure to clean up my face from make up each time before prayer and put on my make up after. I love my fresh looking face since it makes me look healthy ^_^

Since I am wearing hijab, I normally choose simple type to wear on fast dressing up day. Still, I need to take care of my hair before putting on the hijab. I would make sure to dry my hair using my ionic hair dryer. And put VCO to smooth the dry hair. Well, VCO did do good job as it also helps to nourish my hair and scalp.

For body, you will need to make sure to clean thoroughly during your bath. I love to use glove to scrub my body daily. And once a week to scrub off using body scrub. Need to make sure to tune down your body odour. For this, I need to watch my food intake as certain food will make me smell awful. Normally, using a spray of perfume would be enough for me. Well, sometimes I do only use body mist when I have rashes after using perfume. Not easy being me #_#

I always ensure to have short, trimmed nails. I also put VCO on my nails to be used as cuticle softener and to prevent nail disease such as ingrowing toenails. Ingrowing toenails normally happen for to the nails on the feet.

As for dressing, I normally wear semi formal clothes that could go for formal and also casual. Since I have low budget for my attire, I will mix and match what I have. Well, it does create different look for each mix match. Good for your creativity by exploring the option that you could have. It has become a habit to dress up semi formal as because my previous jobs sometimes required me to be involved in a formal meeting. Well, as an Engineer I do prefer to be safe than sorry. That is why I have to be prepared all the time. Plus, I want to make fully dress as a habit since I do target to work in private sector later on. Practice makes perfect.

Have a good day for you. And all the best in putting on some make up tomorrow morning ^_^

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Why I am fortunate to use Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) as part of my daily beauty routine

Dear all,

As I have mentioned earlier in my previous post, I have stayed in UMP Pekan, Pahang for almost 3 weeks.

The weather there, were different with JB since it is much nearer to the sea and beach. Which means, more heat and dry air.

I did notice that although my face maintain its retention and moisture (thanks to my discipline usage of VCO), I did experience a new type of breakout on my skin here in Pahang due to new weather condition. It was kind of swelling like big pimples only at 2 places: my chin and under chin. I did try to pop it out to reduce the swell, but unsuccessful plus more painful doing so #_# Then, during my Aidil Adha break in Johor, I use Argan oil on my face from Sunday till Monday as night cream replacement. The swell reduce until flat within these 2 days usage. Thankful I have stock on Argan oil with me. It took me almost 2 weeks to reduce the swells since I do not have Argan oil with me in Pahang.

I start my Argan oil usage when I have eye bags problem since I my work that time normally requires me to work over office time and irregular stay back. This happen during year 2012. Previously, I also work irregular hour. However, the eye bag was not shown much. Maybe that because I am still young at that time and the skin heal faster. Then, I happen to met one of my girlfriend who already in her late 30s, but she do not have crow feet and eye bags under her eyes. When I asked her secret, she did say she used Argan oil on her face. Although she did not tell me the exact brand, I manage to search on Argan oil and succeed to purchase it in Malaysia. The Argan oil was quite expensive. However, the effect was fast. Not only it manage to help to reduce the eye bag effect, it also keep my skin moist during my travel in Kuantan with my cousin in 2013 while sleeping in air conditioning room. You could read more on Argan oil by clicking the link here. Other name for Argan oil is liquid gold.

I am unable to afford the price of Argan oil for daily usage. That is why I look for alternative option and now using VCO consistently from head to toe ^_^ My friend do say my bare naked face still looks firm and smooth. Plus, I look fine without using any make up. Well, I still need to use make up to enhance few features in my face ^_^

Regardless what, I am very fortunate to have the curiosity to know the type of natural oils that exist. Since then, I have done plenty of research on the most efficient and various experiment with natural oil that I could get. I also have successfully identify which natural oil most suitable for my skin. My advise, you have to test the oil on your skin first for 1 week in order to know it is suitable or not for your skin.

I am organizing a grooming class on 15 November 2014 in Dewan Sultan Iskandar, UTM JB. The fees will be RM 100 per UTM student and RM 150 per non-student. Details, will be uploaded in my next blog entry.

Happy weekdays to all of you ^_^






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Shifting to new place. Still not easy

First of all, my deepest apologies for not writing new entry for the last 3 weeks. It is because I am in the midst of shifting to UMP Pekan early Sept 2014. This entry will have less picture of me as the phone I used to take selfie were send to shop for repair in JB. And the repair just finish early this week.

Introduction on UMP Pekan, Pahang.

UMP Pekan, Pahang is a very good place to study. No entertainment. I am fine with this. However, to my despair I am unable to tolerate with the food in the UMP Pekan campus cafeterias. They were extremely lousy. I almost vomit after eating Nasi Goreng Paprik Ayam as it is too oily and the taste were disaster to my sore throat since I’m down with flu that time.  The food outside much more decent to eat compare to the one inside the campus. I do think my own cooking is even much better than the one being cooked in the cafeteria. No wonder the girls in my floor cook themselves (saw the rice cooker pot in the pantry a lot). I do pity all the student in the campus that have no transportation here. It was misery for someone who loves to eat like me #_#

Since it is new environment, new task and have to start over in making friends. I am doing more multi tasking work since I am still attached to my previous colleague and employer. Therefore, I have develop my own new level of stress since I am already worn out in 2 weeks before shifting. Exhausted with handover and task completion before the shifting.

Part of task that exhaust me were shown in pictures below. We are promoting our property seminar during Bumiputera Property Exhibition in Plaza Angsana on 2 Sept 2014.


Me promoting our property seminar

The sweet girl that still comes to help promotion although her stomach is not well that day

The sweet girl that still comes to help promotion although her stomach is not well that day


People queueing for the Rumah Mampu Milik in SUK booth


Me explaining in details the property seminar


The red and blue shirt guys who helps for the promotion



The long queue

Although I have been into hostel during my secondary school and first degree, still it was a new scary experience since this is first time enrol in hostel without family member and only friends that send me over to UMP, Pekan. Kudos to my precious friends for the never ending support in terms of moral and physical. Love you guys for the effort ^_^ They help to send me in UMP Pekan, Pahang after their presentation for 2nd KTP Conference in JW Marriot on 11 Sept 2014.

After presentation, my colleague did saw someone looks like me from far. And, it really does in a glimpse ^_^ She is one of the KTP Secretariat committee that helps to manage the conference event. Guess the one looks like me did do good in management area ^_^

Someone that looks like me from far

Someone that looks like me from far

I did get the experience coming back  from UMP Gambang campus to UMP Pekan campus by bus on 18 Sept 2014. Fortunately, I am the type of person who always be ready all the time. Only, I did forget to bring my umbrella for the journey since it was done suddenly as my supervisor is going to UMP Gambang to pay his PhD fees for this semester. Glad that my body were slightly ok on that day. Well, I was flat out on the next day (Friday) though till unable to join the postgraduate discussion on Friday evening #_# I have to take bus no 100 to Kuantan with fare RM 4 per trip. Then, I have to take bus no 400 to Pekan with fare RM 4 also per trip. Here in Kuantan, the daily bus were runs by Rapid. Which really surprise me the first time I saw the bus in Pekan area. Well, after talk to someone local there, I do know why the bus service were upgraded ^_^

Bus stop in UMP Gambang to go Kuantan

Bus stop in UMP Gambang to go Kuantan

Bus ticket from UMP Gambang to Kuantan. From Kuantan to Pekan

Bus ticket from UMP Gambang to Kuantan. From Kuantan to Pekan

I am very fortunate with my decision in bringing my hand held vacuum along with me in the moving process. It really helps me to clean the dust in the room without having the dust fly all over the place. No more face mask for me and no more need to switch of the fan while cleaning up the room. Love my vacuum. My new assistant in my life ^_^ Still, I missed my room in JB especially my washing machine. I have been hand washing all my clothes daily since I only bring enough to use for one week #_#

I’m loving this post on how to make your house always looks tidy  . Hope to implement it in my new house Jan 2015. Wish me luck for smooth house entry and house warming ^_^

My room-mate was a Master student. Already in her 3rd semester. Lucky for her to have the opportunity to pursue Master direct after finish her degree. Although feel jealous of her direct entry as postgraduate, I am still happy although I am late since I am more matured, much more experience and better knowledge in doing research (hopefully ^_^). She introduce me to Korean reality series The return of superman.Now already in episode 42. The kids were soo cute. Makes me want to have twins. Well, after do some calculating on the stress level and expenses, I prefer to have twins in my imagination only ^_^

Wish you all a good day and take care.

Will try my best to make new entry once a month, at least.





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How to get the looks even when you are not born with it?


My make up while using spectacles

Before I start my new entry on “How to stay beautiful would help to boost your confidence”, I would like to start with one interesting question.

  • What is look?

I would like to use definition number 2 of noun for look = the appearance of someone or something, especially as expressing a particular quality.

  • How important are looks?

For me, it is important. As from my experience handling people from corporate until government, first impression does give impact for subsequent meeting. Since human are psychologically a visualize creature.

  • Why look is important? I will give scenario for you

Like in  Hindustan movie title “Dil To Pagal Hai”  that I’ve watched last Saturday (9 Aug 2014) in TV3. I would like to make comparison between Mahduri Dixit (graceful, elegance, matured) with Karisma Kapoor (have the look but easily sulks, reacting not as her age). Which one will you choose? For me, I do prefer Mahduri Dixit compare to Karisma Kapoor. My reason:I prefer elegance, maturity and simple modest attire. As in the end of the movie, Mahduri Dixit were chased by 2 guys and none for Karisma Kapoor. That’s the difference on how to use your look in a proper way.

Certain people already confident with their look. But, there is no harm to enhance your look for better. You would need to know what is your strength of focus in your face. As if for me, I love to focus on my eyes in my make up. But, since I am a person who wears and my works tends to make me have less than 8 hours sleeps, so I need to change my make from focusing on my eyes to style that compliment my spectacles.

Although you do not have the look, you could still be able to achieve it by using your brain, a little of your intelligence in googling with correct keywords, a bit of creativity and a bag of make up for tools. Nowadays have plenty of make up artist (MUA) that you could follow in youtube in order to get idea what kind of make up that suits you the most for your daily routine. I love to follow the Pixiwoo sisters as they try varieties of make up style that would have at least one that could suits your daily routine. I do add on my creativity on top of it as I do not have as much as make up items and tools as what they do. Therefore, I just use the things that I have and manage to get youthful looks that help to enhance my face although my age already outgrown my face ^_^ Need also to learn to be creative in mix and match your make up with your attire in order to avoid looking out of sequence #_#

Advantage for me is to have a good girlfriend Wani who is also is also a make up artist that gives a lot of comment and advise on the make up that I put. And it does help me a lot improving my skills in putting make up. This is what I call close loop feedback (love to use Engineering terms in my daily life). My peers, colleagues and girlfriends (the one who is close to me) give feedback and I improvises as per the feedback. My make up could also last me one whole day without looking worn out with minimal touch up although I am not using expensive products. To know the secret, you would have to come to my grooming class. But, I normally cleans my skin although not praying as I prefer to prevent the make up to clog my skin for long time. Prevention way better that cure ^_^ I love taking care of my skin in order to have a good look when wearing make up as clean and moisturise skin is like a white canvas that easy to put on make up.

I am not the type that always checking myself in the mirror. I have no mirror on my working desk. So, what I do is to make sure that I am properly dress up in the morning before leave the house. Then, during prayers and while in bathroom.


I am the type of person who believe the strength of first impression.

Why? As I am dealing with lots of people, involves in various meetings and management. Therefore, good first impression will lead to next meeting. However, you cannot rely on looks only for that. That would have to come in one good package where I could share with you in my grooming class that I will announce the date later.

Below is the picture of me in the afternoon before Zohor prayer. I love mix and match my attire which complements my make up. Receive tons of compliments on my attire selection. But that, comes from hard work, creativity and lots of research through out the internet.

Above is the picture of me in the morning, after coming out from house. I focus on my lips as I am wearing spectacles that day.

Have fun in trying out make up. Do make sure to clean your make up properly.

And see you in my next entry on my minimal make up for daily usage.


My mix and match attire for that day ^_^



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How by stay beautiful would help boost your confidence

On 8 Aug 2014, I went to MASPEX 2014 exhibition in Sutera Mall, JB in a group of 4 people (my lab mates). One property agent (Malay woman) thought I am from management faculty when I told her I’m a post graduate student. Maybe due to my attire (refer picture below) that never represents my nature core of study, Engineering ^_^

While in other booth, entertained by a property agent (Chinese woman), her colleague compliment my skin condition. She say my skin were flawless and radiant! Wow, I was stunned for a moment, but immediately thanked her for the compliment. It does makes me feel flustered when people compliment me openly in front of my colleagues. My colleague did even say that I give effort taking care of my skin. All thanks to the benefit using VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) as make up remover, moisteriser, night cream, consumption and all ^_^ Getting more and more compliment after using VCO daily. Actually, my make up at that time were bare minimum since I wear my glasses. My make up at that time : BB Cream, compact powder, eyeliner, eyebrows liner, blusher and soft lipstick (refer to picture below. Sorry for no complete face picture). Well, people and MUA (Make Up Artist) do say that healthy, clean and clear skin was like a white canvas that easily to put on make up and you will look radiant although the make up is minimal.

During MASPEX 2014. Me in yellow shawl with printed lips ^_^

So, back to the  how by staying beautiful boost your confidence?

Definition of confidence. I would take second definition from first noun of google search = a feeling of self-assurance arising from an appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities.

My definition of confidence are  = A confident person is someone who can fit in anywhere, talk to anyone, and be exactly who they want to be. Confidence is knowing who you are and what you stand for in all situations.

How to get confidence? I would like to emphasis knowledge as main source to be confidence. If you do not have the knowledge, it would be hard for you to break the ice for conversation with others. And knowledge also helps you to get along with others.

For me, I do lots of research on my works since I am full time researcher. This make me tend to always make back ground study on things that I like to do (hobby, make up), cooking, baking, to buy list and etc. Then, I could set target and priority on which to be done first and budget for the activity. I also love to spend my time reading books that helps to boost your self esteem. However, not all people would like to do tedious things like I do. So, for those who do not have ample time to do so, they could skip those tedious work by joining my grooming class which I would inform later in my next entry.

As from my research and reading, I do found that it is normal for foreigner and those who their works involving VIP to spend their money to attend classes on how to talk, dress up and etc. Still not all people have extra to spend for those specific kind of programs or classes. Well, this is where my grooming class comes to rescue you ^_^

For me, I think I need to have this order to complement my confidence level: inner self, knowledge, looks (this include make up, attire, attitude for appearance).

Last but not least, be yourself with confident.

I would like to share on how to get the looks even when you are not born with it in my next entry.

Have a good day ^_^







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Stay beautiful during Ramadhan and Hari Raya Aidil Fitri


It has been a long holiday in Malaysia due to Hari Raya Aidil Fitri that being celebrated on 28 July 2014.

As I am being absent minded due to fatigue, I’ve accidentally left my dear gadget home alone in JB and unable to post new entry. Sorry for that.

Hari Raya Aidil Fitri is a celebration that marks the end of the fasting month, Ramadhan. Muslim’s will wear new clothes. And woman especially, will wear make up to match up their colourful clothes.

Still, can wear make up but need to remember to remove them properly using VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) as I have mentioned earlier in my previous blog.

As you could see in the picture below, my skin is in very good condition and it did glow in the picture during morning of Hari Raya Aidil Fitri (I am 2nd from left.Promoting myself ^_^ and hope you could see it). Coincidently, my colour attire match my one and only sister ^_^ (also 2nd girl, from right).

Morning of Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. Me, 2nd girl from left most

Morning of Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. Me, 2nd girl from left most

This is the picture taken a weekend before Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, on my way to GST (Government Service Tax) Talk in Eco World office in Setia Tropica in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. You could click at the GST word for more info on it.

Selfie on my way to GST Talk

Selfie on my way to GST Talk

Next entry, would be on how stay beautiful would help boost your confidence, a lot more than you could imagine. Hope you could stay tune reading my blog ^_^ Adieu



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Virgin Coconut Oil as my Beauty Essential

To all dearies.

Wish you a good day.

Before I start sharing my beauty secret, I would like to briefly introduce myself.

Name: Nurul.

Age: people always said I’m in early 20’s ^_^

My old pictures for comparison = Morning in Bukit Broga 1 Jan 2011

My old pictures for comparison = Morning in Bukit Broga 1 Jan 2011

Another old pic for comparison = In beach of Sabah on 11 Jan 2011

Another old pic for comparison = In beach of Sabah on 11 Jan 2011

Fresh face of this morning, 20 July 2014

Fresh face of this morning, 20 July 2014

Background: engineering.

The rest, let it be in different post ^_^

Today, I would like to share my experience in using Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). I have start using it consistently as make up remover from Feb 2014, and ever since that no more other make up remover for me. I will use short term VCO in my explanation onwards.

My past experience using VCO as follows:

  1. Various make up remove,
  2. Food enhance,
  3. Skin moisturiser,
  4. Shiny hair lock.

What make me decide to try VCO?

  • Since coconut is easily found in any part of Malaysia. And after digging information from various sources of research, forum and blog. I did found justification and testimonial on the good effect using the VCO as make up remover.  

a) Weakness of existing manufactured make up remover

  • Dries skin.
  • Irritate eyes. Especially when removing eye-liner, mascara.
  • Consisting plenty of active ingredient that could give long term impact after using them consistently for a long time.

b) Cost

  • For other type of make remover, good one may cost much. Have to consistently look for offer if want to save a lot when buy it. Sometimes, need to use more than instructed in the label. Example, I have use Biore Aqua Jelly Makeup Remover of 230 ml, price RM 30 before offer (if I was not mistaken). It was good make up remover, but harsh to my eyes.

c) Time/ ease of use / simpler/ less hassle

What make you stick to VCO?

  • Multi purpose usage. While VCO being used as make up remover, it also helps to nourish skin, preventing it from drying.
  • Efficient in removing waterproof make up such as mascara, eyeliner. Bonus, not irritating eyes.
  • For someone who travel a lot and sleep in air condition area, VCO is the best to bring along the journey. It helps to soothes my skin that dries too much during haze in Malaysia last Oct 2014. It also works as good make up remover. And works as good moisturiser that makes me skips my toner and moisturising cream after cleansing. I also use it as replacement to night cream when travel. And it keeps my face looking fresh in the morning. It also helps to nourish my hair and scalp after drying my hair. Basically, VCO is all in one product/essential product that you could bring when you travel, provided if you want to be fresh and beautiful all the time ^_^   This is me, before and after using VCO. With make up and not. The difference is tremendous as people who not often see me, would ask what I do use once see me back since April 2014. I start using VCO as make up remover since 8 Feb 2014, daily. On-off consumption since I’m travelling. Still, the improvement were tremendous. 

d) From health perspective, hygiene

  • VCO helps to detox your body if you take 15 ml daily, every morning. What I do, I put 15 ml in my milk where I shake them in my shaker for easy consumption ^_^ my throat still unable to take VCO directly although they smell as good as coconut candy #_# – need to use the VCO daily until it finish as I have experience leaving a small portion untouched for 1 week. And the smell turn bad (no more coconut candy smell) once I reach it out last night to finish it off. Still usable for face, but no-no for consumption. ~ Sigh~ Such a waste. But a good experience for me who are still in learning process.

e) Cost

  • Small bottle of 30 ml worth RM 15.
  • Largest bottle of 100 ml worth RM 30.  

f) Availability

  • You can buy this from me. Postage will be RM 9 per 30 ml (done it last May 2014). Not sure for the postage cost for 100 ml bottle @_@  

g) Easy to carry

  • The 30 ml bottle is easy to carry and I do bring it all the time for emergency.

~ Promote my grooming class : I have plan to held my grooming class soon, this year. Stay tuned for it ^_^

 Pictures of my face before and after removing make up using VCO:

Before cleaning using VCO.

Before cleaning using VCO.

Left is the clean part. Right is the non-clean.

Left is the clean part. Right is the non-clean.

Hope you could see the difference.

The left side that being cleaned using VCO

The left side that being cleaned using VCO

Right side, non-clean part.

Right side, non-clean part.

The make up that being removed using VCO

The make up that being removed using VCO

The make up residue on the face cotton.